Thursday, February 17, 2011

Bumpersticker Rhetoric

What are you saying  when you have a bumper sticker on your car? You're saying you have something that you believe in enough to share with all the other drivers on the road. You're constantly asking to be evaluated by them as well. I understand if you happen have a bumper sticker on your car maybe that's not what you think it means or what you intended it to mean. But I challenge you to put yourself in the shoes of the person who is driving behind you in their car and re-think the meaning of your bumper sticker. 

Let's say you see someone with a Penn State sticker (pretty typical around here). Your thought process might go like this "They must be an alumni, student, or staff member if they have a Penn State sticker on their car! They must really love Penn State as much as I do." Safe assumption right? You kinda start to like the car in front of you.

But what if it was an Ohio sticker...or a Michigan one? AND they forget to put on their blinker AND they kinda roll through a stop sign. "An Ohio fan totally would do that" you might say to yourself. You kinda start to hate the car in front of you. 

So what does yours say? Is it a more serious, political belief that you hold close to heart? Is it a funny one? Does it use lots of swear words? Does it insult a population within our community even in the slightest? 

Don't get me wrong, I have  nothing against bumper stickers. In fact, I have one myself. But when choosing your next bumper sticker consider how the person behind you will evaluate you and if that even matters to you.  Carefully select the  bumper sticker that you're okay with representing you and your beliefs. It can be tricky, but I think it's definitely worthwhile. 

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